Critter Sitters Cares…
Please consider adopting your next pet from a shelter or breed rescue.
In St. Louis alone there are thousands of animals that need our support. Many have been abandoned and they are confused and frightened.
If you are considering a new pet, Critter Sitters is asking you to please remember the unwanted animals in shelters and rescues throughout the area. Many of these dogs and cats are already housebroken, know basic commands, and are just waiting to be adopted into a loving home. Rescued animals often make the best pets. In return for affection and attention, they reward their new owners with a love and loyalty unmatched anywhere.
Critter Sitters donates time and resources annually to help neglected animals through participation in animal welfare fundraising events. We are also directly involved in rescue efforts with MOKAN Border Collie Rescue ( and Pets’ Second Chance Corgi rescue ( through fostering, transporting, and adoption activities.
Below are some of the amazing dogs we have helped in the past few years.

“Gideon”- Sweet corgi boy currently available for adoption. For more info go to